
English Rural appointed to deliver affordable homes in Hampshire

English Rural has been appointed along with a consortium of four other housing associations to deliver affordable rural homes in Hampshire under the HARAH (Hampshire Alliance for Rural Housing) arrangement.  The consortium, operating under the name of Hampshire Village Homes, consists of English Rural Housing Association, Hastoe Housing Association, New Forest Villages Housing Association, Petersfield Housing Association and Winchester Housing Trust.

Each member of the consortium will take a lead in areas of where they are active in the county, with English Rural working in the Test Valley area and also supporting New Forest Villages Housing Association as their development agent.

HARAH was established in 2005 to drive delivery of affordable rural housing across Hampshire and brings together the six rural local authorities as well as Hampshire County Council, South Downs National Parks Authority and the Homes and Communities Agency. HARAH and housing association consortium jointly fund two Rural Housing Enablers who work with village communities to research and support the development of affordable homes for local people.

Alison Thompson. Senior Regional Development Manager, English Rural, said :-

“English Rural are pleased to have been successfully selected by HARAH as part of the dynamic consortium Hampshire Village Homes.  Each member of the consortium brings local knowledge which will help meet the diverse needs of the county, but most importantly the consortium has strong rural credentials and a record of working in partnership with communities to deliver affordable homes for local people.”

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