We will use this website and the resident portal as our primary channels to provide you with new information. We will also send text messages and the postal service when appropriate. We recognise that not everyone has access to the internet, and where you do not, we would ask that you check with neighbours who do so that they can share information with you, ensuring you adhere to the Government guidelines on social distancing. We have made the decision to offer future updates electronically partly for practical reasons, but also because circumstances are changing so rapidly that information is quickly out of date.
We also strongly recommend that residents consult the advice given on the Government and NHS websites.
The Government have also produced a series of frequently asked questions (FAQs) about social distancing and information on how to manage your mental health. You can also download a helpful information leaflet here (PDF).
Please be aware that false and misleading claims about coronavirus can spread online and in social media at this time. Special units across government are working to combat this. Read more here.
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