English Rural rely on rental income to maintain and manage our properties both now and in the future and to fund development of new social housing.
Rent on your property is reviewed on an annual basis with any changes being implemented at the beginning of April each year. Please refer to the Income and Arrears Policy and Tenancy Review Policy (both of which can be found here) for further information on how the rent on your home is calculated.
You may also have a service charge included in your rent which will cover costs of any maintenance to communal areas on the development where you live. Service charges are based on actual costs incurred on your development and may also include a contribution towards a sinking fund for long term maintenance of communal facilities such as:
Service charges are also reviewed annually.
When your rent is reviewed each year, English Rural will send you details of the new amount, along with an annual service charge statement (if applicable). You must ensure that you amend your payments in line with the new figure. Direct Debit payments will be adjusted automatically to cover any changes in weekly or monthly charges.
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